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Undergrad Fellow Recruitment 2019

During the first few weeks of class the Parr Center tabled at Fall Fest and held three events to gain undergrad interest for our Fellowship. This was our largest recruitment yet!


Parr Center at Fall Fest

8/19, 8PM-10PM

This is one of the largest events of the semester for incoming and returning students alike! Sports teams, clubs, academic groups, University departments and centers, volunteer groups, and interest groups all join together to create a festival for students and share their messages. At this event, the Parr Center rented a table and decked it out with informational flyers, sign up opportunities, and our fresh swag. For two intense hours our Associate Director, Rob Willison, our Administrator, Sally Moore, and several returning Undergraduate Fellows relentlessly worked to gain attention to the table and explain the Parr Center’s mission to interested students. In the end, more than 95 students had signed up for the Parr Center listserv. Mission accomplished!

Undergraduate Fellow Interest Meeting

8/22, 5-6PM

At this event the Parr Center staff came together to pitch our mission to interested Undergraduate Students, hoping to entice them to join our Undergraduate Fellowship program. Heartfelt messages on the importance of connection and belonging echoed through Caldwell, room 105 as excited students munched on delicious local pizza. Between the attendance and thoughtful questions about the Parr Center we would consider this event another success!

Parr Center Open House

8/30, 3-5PM

On the sunny afternoon before a long weekend the Parr Center decorated our lobby and conference room with informational flyers and swag We played welcoming music and let the smell of insomnia cookies bring people in. Though this wasn’t our largest turnout, the students who attended appeared happy, excited, and intent on applying to our Undergrad Fellowship!

Meet the Fellows

9/3, 5-6PM

Directly following the long, Labor Day weekend, the Parr Center hosted it’s last event, Meet the Fellows. At this event, returning Undergraduate Fellows talked about their experience with the Parr Center and what it was like to be in our community. Afterwards they answered questions from the audience about the inter-workings of the Fellowship and any advice for applying. It was a great cap to our long, tiring recruitment!


Photo credit to PPE Administrator, Chris West.