UNC Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl Team
UNC Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl Team
2024 National Champions!
The Parr Center for Ethics sponsors the UNC-Chapel Hill Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl team that competes in the Mid-Atlantic Regional Ethics Bowl each November. The Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl Competition is a part of a larger ethics bowl initiative by the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics.
The UNC-Chapel Hill IEB team offers undergraduates an opportunity to practice applying moral theories and principles of argument that they learn in their ethics classes in the interactive format of an Ethics Bowl.
For information on the UNC-Chapel Hill IEB team or how to get involved, contact Vanessa Moore at vanmoore@email.unc.edu.
The Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl is run by the Association of Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) at Indiana University. Regional competitions like our Mid-Atlantic Ethics Bowl qualify their winners to participate in the national ethics bowl, which takes place at the APPE Annual Meeting.
For more information about the Intercollegiate Ethics bowl, visit appe.indiana.edu/ethics-bowl