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Introducing NHSEBOne

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to present unprecedented challenges to schools, universities, and other institutions around the country and the world. The National High School Ethics Bowl is no exception. In the Fall of 2020, NHSEB’s leadership resolved to ensure the continuity of the Ethics Bowl experience our constituents know and love, in a way that is fully compatible with their health and safety. Enter NHSEBOne—an all-new web platform to provide a dedicated online space for High School Ethics Bowl in the 2020-2021 season and beyond.


NHSEBOne was developed in the Fall of 2020 by the Parr Center for Ethics in partnership with a team of talented developers and designers from EnableEducation: Kareem Khaled (Lead Developer), Jane Li (UI/UX Designer), Riley Carter (Developer), Marcel Anis (Developer), Matt Paterson (Tester), Karina Sinclair (Video Producer). The release version of the platform was reviewed and improved by a team of expert reviewers from the NHSEB Advisory Board: Kyle Robertson (UCSC), Nicolas Tanchuk (ISU), Michael Vazquez (UNC).


The development of NHSEBOne was made possible by generous support from a number of sponsors, as well as a consortium of NHSEB Regional Competitions. We thank them for their valued support and engagement!



Learn More About NHSEBOne